SPP and Agrarian Transformation

In the struggle for agrarian transformation, SPP envisions secure access and tenure, ownership and control over productive land, water and natural resources,  for land based agrarian livelihoods. Our efforts and solidarity partnerships will address the social (power relations); political (landlessness) and economic (poverty) dimensions of agrarian land struggles. However, agrarian transformation must include struggles addressing food sovereignty and climate justice. SPP sees this as part of the aspirations of land and agrarian transformation.

Food sovereignty, because it gives South Africa the right to protect its local producers from cheap imports and controls production. It ensures that the right to use and manage lands, territories, water, seeds, livestock and biodiversity are in the hands of those who produce food and not the corporate sector.

Climate justice, because it ensures that collectively and individually, we have the ability to prepare for, respond to and recover from climate change impacts – and the policies to mitigate or adapt to them – by considering existing vulnerabilities, and unequal access to resources and capabilities.

Building on the partnered approach to our work in agrarian transformation we bring together communities, the State and land-owners. Strengthening community access to levers of power and decision-making will ensure their contribution to municipal planning and budgeting processes around agrarian reform. Supporting emerging farmer, farm workers and farm dwellers to access new or additional productive is an important aspect of our strategy. We do by linking communities with State land mechanisms to unlock land access.  Only if all sectors of agrarian society is engaged can transformation of the sector be realised.

At the Ithemba informal farming area in Eersteriver in the Western Cape of South Africa, small food gardens, livestock projects with chickens, pigs and goats bear testimony to the “Women Organising for Social Justice” project more than a year after its conclusion. Project participants at the Ithemba farm tell stories of how they have steadily grown their food gardens, learned how to take care of their animals and turn their skills into fundraising activities.In 2015, the Surplus People Project received USD 30,000 from AWDF to implement a year-long project entitled, “Women Organising for Social Justice”. The project increased women’s knowledge, skills and experience on environmental justice, food sovereignty and economic empowerment.

“We as youth face a lot of challenges and unemployment is the biggest one”

Chaldene Eland from Citrusdal