We envision a transformed and just society and stand in solidarity with radical social movements in struggles for pro-poor agrarian transformation for food sovereignty.
We are committed to challenge neoliberal capitalism, power and patriarchy and to promote and advocate for agrarian reform for food sovereignty with strategic alliances. Our support amplifies the agrarian struggles of social movements, and community formations in the Northern and Western Cape.
SPP believes in social justice and equal rights for all. We have made a choice to work with the rural poor and to facilitate the voice, choices, strategies and approaches of struggle as determined by the people themselves. We believe in the particular power and possibility of young people and women and actively facilitate opportunities for their growth in our strategy.
Our processes aim to encourage and establish a will within people to believe in themselves and their vision. The common vision is improved livelihoods, changes on the economic, political and social conditions within communities and the institutions that represent their interests.
Our research and work with communities inform debates and the issues SPP focuses on. Research in turn is informed by the struggles and obstacles communities identify. Their experiences and struggles ultimately inform advocacy to influence government and policy makers. This is always done with communities through documented community actions, stories of change and achievements based on their action for change. The networks such as Tshintsha Amakhaya and Northern Cape network are spaces to share methodologies, approaches and practice.
The context in which we work is volatile, unpredictable, oppressive and at times repressive. This scenario is however a hopeful and empowered one as the formations that SPP supports and accompanies express their voice and assert their right to be treated with dignity, respect and care and to have access to basic human rights and conditions conducive to agrarian reform for food sovereignty.
SPP works in a respectful and caring way with communities. Its approach is characterised by participation, listening, openness, caring for each other, transparency and, gender equality This is also reflected in its internal culture where this approach is practiced and refined. SPP has demonstrated organisational resilience and a significant factor that assisted this, is its progressive internal organisational cultur
“Break the chain of patriarchy through women that own land”